Franchise vs Master Franchise

Elevate Your Business In The Travel & Tourism Industry

Make Your Dream Tour In a
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Own a Franchise @ Just ₹5 Lakh!

Join the World’s Thriving Travel and Tourism Industry with a Proven Business Model


Are you ready to start your own successful business in the travel industry? offers you the opportunity to own a profitable travel franchise with a low investment of just ₹5 Lakh. With a comprehensive support system and a proven business model, you can achieve financial independence while providing top-notch travel services to your community.

Why Invest in the Franchise?

1. Proven Business Model: has a track record of success, with moltiple franchises thriving across India and beyond.

2. Low Investment, High Returns: Start with just ₹5 Lakh and enjoy a potential profit of ₹50,000 per month.

3. Comprehensive Support: Get full training, booking software, and a dedicated support team to help you every step of the way.

4. Exclusive Territory: Enjoy a protected territory where no other franchise will compete with you.

5. Growing Industry: The travel and tourism industry is booming, with more people than ever looking to explore the world.

Investment Breakdown

When you invest ₹5 Lakh in a franchise, here’s how the funds are allocated:

1. Franchise Fee: ₹2 Lakh

- Grants you the rights to operate under the brand for a 5-year term.

- Covers comprehensive training, booking software access, ongoing support, and marketing materials.

2. Showroom Setup: ₹3 Lakh

- Includes interior design, branding, furniture, signage, and promotional materials for a professional showroom setup.

Operational Costs

Here’s a breakdown of the typical monthly operational costs for running a franchise:

1. Staff Salary: ₹15,000 (Optional)

2. Advertising and Marketing: ₹50,000

3. Rent: ₹15,000

4. Electricity Bill: ₹2,000

5. Internet: ₹750

6. Miscellaneous Expenses: ₹2,000

Total Estimated Monthly Operational Costs: ₹84,750 (including staff salary) or ₹69,750 (without staff salary)

Year Month Expected Profit (₹) Cumulative Profit (₹)
1 1 10,000 10,000
1 2 12,000 22,000
1 3 14,000 36,000
1 4 16,000 52,000
1 5 18,000 70,000
1 6 20,000 90,000
1 7 22,000 112,000
1 8 24,000 136,000
1 9 26,000 162,000
1 10 28,000 190,000
1 11 30,000 220,000
1 12 32,000 252,000
2 1 34,000 286,000
2 2 36,000 322,000
2 3 38,000 360,000
2 4 40,000 400,000
2 5 42,000 442,000
2 6 44,000 486,000
2 7 46,000 532,000
2 8 48,000 580,000
2 9 50,000 630,000
2 10 50,000 680,000
2 11 50,000 730,000
2 12 50,000 780,000
3 1 50,000 830,000
3 2 50,000 880,000
3 3 50,000 930,000
3 4 50,000 980,000
3 5 50,000 1,030,000
3 6 50,000 1,080,000
3 7 50,000 1,130,000
3 8 50,000 1,180,000
3 9 50,000 1,230,000
3 10 50,000 1,280,000
3 11 50,000 1,330,000
3 12 50,000 1,380,000
4 1 50,000 1,430,000
4 2 50,000 1,480,000
4 3 50,000 1,530,000
4 4 50,000 1,580,000
4 5 50,000 1,630,000
4 6 50,000 1,680,000
4 7 50,000 1,730,000
4 8 50,000 1,780,000
4 9 50,000 1,830,000
4 10 50,000 1,880,000
4 11 50,000 1,930,000
4 12 50,000 1,980,000
5 1 50,000 2,030,000
5 2 50,000 2,080,000
5 3 50,000 2,130,000
5 4 50,000 2,180,000
5 5 50,000 2,230,000
5 6 50,000 2,280,000
5 7 50,000 2,330,000
5 8 50,000 2,380,000
5 9 50,000 2,430,000
5 10 50,000 2,480,000
5 11 50,000 2,530,000
5 12 50,000 2,580,000

Total Cumulative Profit over 5 Years: ₹2,580,000

How Will You Achieve This ROI?

Comprehensive Training & Support:

- Initial Training: You and your team will undergo comprehensive training on booking software, customer service, and sales strategies.

- Ongoing Support: A dedicated support team will assist with marketing, operations, and technical issues.

Diverse Revenue Streams:

- Travel Packages: Domestic and international tours, adventure trips, and honeymoon packages.

- Add-On Services: Visa assistance, travel insurance, flight bookings, and hotel reservations.

- Corporate Clients: Secure contracts for business travel management.

Local Marketing & Community Engagement:

- Targeted Marketing: Engage potential customers through social media, online advertising, and local events.

- Community Involvement: Host travel-themed events and workshops to build brand presence.

Leveraging Technology:

- Advanced Booking Software: Streamline operations, reduce manual work, and focus on customer service and sales.

- Data-Driven Insights: Analyze customer preferences, track sales, and identify growth opportunities.

Gradual Growth Strategy:

- Initial Phase (Months 1-6): Build brand awareness, acquire initial customers, and gain momentum.

- Growth Phase (Months 7-18): Increase repeat customers and word-of-mouth referrals.

- Maturity Phase (Months 19-60): Achieve stable and consistent profit of ₹50,000 per month.

Industry Insights

1. Global Growth: The global travel and tourism industry is projected to grow at 3.7% annually, reaching $11.4 trillion by 2027.

2. Rising Demand: Increased spending on travel experiences as people prioritize experiences over material goods.

3. Digital Transformation: Growing trend of customers seeking personalized travel planning through physical showrooms.

4. Domestic Tourism: Booming domestic tourism in India presents significant opportunities.

Why Open a Showroom When Everything Is Going Online?

1. Personalized Experience: A physical showroom provides a personalized touch that online platforms can’t match.

2. Local Market Penetration: Tap into the local market, attracting customers who prefer face-to-face interactions.

3. Brand Trust: A physical presence boosts brand credibility and trust.

4. Community Engagement: Hosting travel events, workshops, and promotions builds a strong community presence.

Local Market Analysis

Tier 1 Cities (e.g., Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru):

- High Demand for Travel: Large population with high disposable income.

- Corporate Travel: Significant business travel opportunities.

- Opportunity: Corporate contracts, luxury and premium travel, showroom appeal.

Tier 2 Cities (e.g., Pune, Ahmedabad, Jaipur):

- Growing Middle Class: Expanding middle class with rising travel aspirations.

- Domestic Tourism Focus: High demand for domestic travel.

- Opportunity: Mid-range travel packages, regional market penetration, community engagement.

Tier 3 Cities & Towns (e.g., Madurai, Nashik, Varanasi):

- Untapped Potential: Limited access to professional travel services.

- Traditional Travel Preferences: Preference for guided tours and packages.

- Opportunity: First-mover advantage, personalized service, local partnerships.

Competitive Edge

1. Fixed Departure Tours: Guaranteed trip departure regardless of participant count.

2. Native Food and Language Support: Native cuisine and language assistance on tours.

3. Cutting-Edge Booking Software: Real-time availability, instant booking confirmations, and data analytics.

4. Comprehensive Travel Services: Flights, hotels, visas, and insurance.

5. Personalized Itineraries: Customized travel experiences tailored to customer preferences.

6. Strong Brand Reputation: Trusted name with a reputation for quality and reliability.

Day in the Life of a Franchisee (10 AM to 8 PM)

10:00 AM - Opening the Showroom:

- Ensure everything is ready for business, check appointments, and prepare for the day.

10:30 AM - Responding to Inquiries:

- Handle emails, messages, and customer inquiries. Address any client concerns promptly.

11:30 AM - Meeting with Clients:

- Conduct personalized consultations, discuss travel options, and finalize bookings.

1:00 PM - Networking and Community Engagement:

- Engage with local businesses and community members to build brand presence.

2:00 PM - Lunch Break:

- Take a short break to recharge and review marketing strategies for the day.

3:00 PM - Marketing and Promotions:

- Execute marketing campaigns, update social media, and prepare promotional materials.

4:30 PM - Booking and Customer Support:

- Confirm reservations, follow up on bookings, and provide ongoing customer support.

6:00 PM - Team Coordination:

-Coordinate with staff or handle administrative tasks, including training and performance reviews.

7:00 PM - Financial Management:

- Review daily sales, track expenses, and plan financial strategies.

8:00 PM - Closing the Showroom:

- Prepare for the next day, close the showroom, and set goals for the coming days.

Franchise Growth Opportunities

1. Expanding to Multiple Locations: Scale your business by opening additional showrooms.

2. Diversifying Service Offerings: Offer niche markets such as luxury travel, adventure tours, and wellness retreats.

3. Corporate Travel Management: Secure contracts for recurring revenue from corporate clients.

4. Exclusive Regional Partnerships: Develop partnerships with hotels, airlines, and other travel service providers.

5. Digital and Online Growth: Expand your reach online with virtual consultations and digital marketing campaigns.

6. Hosting Events and Workshops: Position yourself as a travel expert in your community.

7. Building a Loyal Customer Base: Use CRM tools to retain customers and encourage repeat bookings.

8. Franchisor Support for Growth: Receive guidance on marketing initiatives, operations, and expansion planning.

Training & Support Details

Comprehensive Initial Training:

- Orientation: Covers travel agency operations, sales techniques, and booking software.

- Customer Service Excellence: Learn best practices for exceptional customer service.

- Marketing and Sales Strategies: Proven strategies for attracting and retaining customers.

Ongoing Support:

- Dedicated Franchise Support Team: Always ready to assist with any questions or challenges.

- Regular Check-Ins: Monitor progress and provide personalized advice.

- Marketing Assistance: Guidance on campaign development and execution.

- Technology Support: Continuous technical support for booking software.

Continuous Learning and Development:

- Workshops and Seminars: Stay ahead of industry trends with exclusive sessions.

- Franchisee Network: Share insights and best practices with other franchisees.

Growth and Expansion Support:

- Business Development: Support for expanding or diversifying services.

- Ongoing Innovation: Benefit from new services, tools, and strategies.

Marketing Support & Resources

While provides extensive marketing ideas and resources, the franchisee is responsible for funding and executing all marketing campaigns.

Proven Marketing Strategies:

- Tailored Plans: Customized marketing plans designed to attract local customers.

- Local Marketing Ideas: Creative ideas for reaching your target audience.

Digital Marketing Guidance:

- Social Media Campaigns: Guidance on creating effective social media campaigns.

- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Tips for improving online visibility.

Brand Assets and Materials:

- Brand Guidelines: Ensure consistent brand image.

- Promotional Materials: Access to brochures, posters, and digital assets.

Ongoing Marketing Support:

- Consultation and Feedback: Regular reviews and advice on marketing efforts.

- Market Analysis: Insights to inform your marketing decisions.

Exit Strategy provides a clear path for exiting the franchise, ensuring you can do so profitably and smoothly.

Resale of Franchise:

- Valuation Support: Assistance in determining fair market value.

- Buyer Network: Access to potential buyers.

- Transition Assistance: Support during the handover process.

Transfer of Ownership:

- Internal Transfer: Guidance on transferring ownership within your family or to a partner.

- Approval Process: All ownership transfers are subject to approval.

Franchise Agreement Termination:

- Notice Period: Ensure proper wind-down of operations.

- Asset Management: Assistance in managing or liquidating assets.

Ongoing Support for Exit Planning:

- Strategic Planning: Optimize your business for sale or transition.

- Consultation Services: One-on-one consultations for exit options.

Common FAQs (Expanded)

1. What is the total investment required to start a franchise?

- The total investment required is ₹5 Lakh, which includes ₹2 Lakh for the franchise fee and ₹3 Lakh for showroom setup.

2. How long is the franchise agreement, and can it be renewed?

- The franchise agreement is for 5 years. At the end of this term, you have the option to renew the agreement under mutually agreed terms.

3. What is included in the initial training program?

- The initial training covers everything from using the booking software to customer service excellence, sales strategies, and marketing techniques. You’ll be fully equipped to manage and grow your franchise.

4. What ongoing support will I receive from

- You will receive continuous support, including marketing guidance, operational assistance, regular check-ins, and access to a dedicated support team. We also provide ongoing training to keep you updated on industry trends.

5. What is the timeline for setting up the franchise?

- From signing the agreement to opening your showroom, the typical setup timeline is 2 to 3 months. This includes finding a location, completing the showroom setup, and undergoing training.

6. What kind of marketing support does provide?

- provides marketing ideas, strategies, and brand assets to help you promote your franchise. However, it is the franchisee’s responsibility to fund and execute all marketing campaigns.

7. Can I operate other businesses from the same location?

- No, the showroom should be exclusively dedicated to promoting and selling services. Running other businesses from the same location is not permitted under the franchise agreement.

8. What happens if I want to exit the franchise before the agreement ends?

- offers a clear exit strategy. You can choose to sell your franchise, transfer ownership, or terminate the agreement. We provide support to ensure a smooth transition.

9. What are the ongoing fees associated with the franchise?

- In addition to the initial investment, there are ongoing royalty fees and marketing contributions. These fees are detailed in the franchise agreement and support the continued growth and development of the brand.

10. What is the typical timeline for achieving profitability?

- With the right efforts, you can start seeing profits within the first 3 to 6 months. The 5-year ROI plan projects a monthly profit of ₹50,000 by the end of the second year.

11. Is prior experience in the travel industry required?

- While prior experience in the travel industry is beneficial, it is not required. Our comprehensive training program will provide you with all the knowledge and skills needed to run a successful travel franchise.

12. What are the legal aspects of owning a franchise?

- The franchise agreement outlines your rights and responsibilities as a franchisee, including trademark protection, compliance with local business laws, and the terms of operation. provides guidance to ensure legal compliance.

13. How does ensure exclusivity in my territory?

- Each franchise is granted an exclusive territory, meaning no other franchise will operate within your designated area. This ensures that you have access to the full market potential in your region.

14. What kind of technology support will I receive?

- You will receive full training on’s booking software, along with ongoing technical support. Our software is designed to streamline operations, manage customer data, and track sales effectively.

15. What is the process for renewing the franchise agreement?

- The renewal process involves a review of your franchise performance, agreement on new terms (if applicable), and signing a renewal contract. We aim to make this process smooth and straightforward.

Sustainability and CSR Initiatives

At, we are committed to making a positive impact on both the environment and the communities we serve. Our sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives reflect our dedication to responsible tourism and ethical business practices. Here’s how we contribute:

Eco-Friendly Travel Options:

- Promote eco-friendly travel packages, supporting conservation and reducing environmental footprints.

Community Support and Engagement:

- Engage with local communities to support education, healthcare, and business development.

Reducing Carbon Footprint:

- Partner with environmentally responsible travel providers and work to offset carbon emissions.

Responsible Tourism Practices:

- Educate travelers on respecting local cultures and protecting natural environments.

Philanthropic Initiatives:

- Sponsor community events, support charitable organizations, and participate in disaster relief efforts.

Sustainable Business Practices:

- Reduce waste, conserve energy, and promote digital tools to minimize paper usage.

FAQ Expansion

1. How does address environmental concerns? is committed to eco-friendly practices, offering travel options that minimize environmental impact and supporting conservation efforts.

2. What CSR activities does engage in? actively participates in community support, including education and healthcare initiatives, and promotes responsible tourism practices.

3. Does have any partnerships with eco-friendly organizations?

Yes, we partner with organizations that share our commitment to sustainability, helping to reduce our carbon footprint and promote eco-conscious travel.

4. How does ensure that its business practices are ethical?

We adhere to strict ethical guidelines, ensuring that our operations benefit local communities and respect cultural and environmental values.

5. What steps does take to reduce waste and energy consumption?

We prioritize digital tools over paper usage, conserve energy in our offices, and encourage our partners and customers to adopt sustainable practices.

Visuals and Infographics

To make the franchise landing page more engaging, we recommend incorporating the following visuals and infographics:

1. Investment Breakdown

- Visual Type: Pie Chart

- Description: A pie chart showing the allocation of the ₹5 Lakh investment into Franchise Fee (₹2 Lakh) and Showroom Setup (₹3 Lakh).

2. 5-Year ROI Visualization

- Visual Type: Line Graph

- Description: A line graph that illustrates the gradual growth of monthly profits over the 5-year period, reaching a steady ₹50,000 per month.

3. Local Market Analysis Map

- Visual Type: Heat Map

- Description: An India map divided into Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 cities with color-coded regions showing potential market strength and opportunities.

4. Competitive Edge Visual

- Visual Type: Flowchart

- Description: A flowchart that highlights’s unique selling points, such as Fixed Departure Tours, Native Food and Language Support, and Cutting-Edge Booking Software.

5. Day in the Life Timeline

- Visual Type: Timeline Infographic

- Description: A timeline showing a typical day for a franchisee from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, with key activities highlighted.

6. Franchise Growth Ladder

- Visual Type: Ladder Infographic

- Description: A ladder graphic showcasing the different growth opportunities available to a franchisee, from expanding locations to diversifying service offerings.

7. Training & Support Journey

- Visual Type: Journey Map

- Description: A journey map that details the franchisee’s path from initial training to ongoing support and development.

8. Operational Costs Breakdown

- Visual Type: Bar Chart

- Description: A bar chart showing the monthly operational costs, including staff salary, marketing, rent, electricity, and miscellaneous expenses.

9. Exit Strategy Flowchart

- Visual Type: Flowchart

- Description: A flowchart outlining the exit options available to franchisees, such as resale, transfer of ownership, and agreement termination.

10. FAQs Infographic

- Visual Type: Grid or List

- Description: A grid or list format that presents the most common FAQs in a visually appealing manner, making it easy for users to find answers quickly.

Potential Lead Questionnaire for Investors

Personal and Professional Background

-What is your current profession or business?

- Have you ever owned or managed a business before? If yes, please provide details.

- Do you have any experience in the travel and tourism industry?

- Why are you interested in investing in a franchise?

Financial Capacity and Investment Readiness

- Are you prepared to invest the initial ₹5 Lakh required to start the franchise?

- Do you have access to additional funds for ongoing operational expenses (e.g., marketing, salaries, rent)?

- How do you plan to finance your investment (e.g., personal savings, loan, etc.)?

Commitment and Time Availability

- How much time per week are you willing to dedicate to running the franchise?

- Do you plan to operate the franchise full-time or part-time?

- Will you be directly managing the day-to-day operations, or will you hire a manager?

Business and Market Understanding

- What is your understanding of the local market for travel and tourism services?

- Have you conducted any research on the travel needs and preferences in your area?

- What marketing strategies do you plan to implement to attract customers?

Long-Term Vision and Goals

- What are your long-term goals for this franchise?

- Are you interested in expanding to multiple locations in the future?

- How do you see yourself contributing to the growth and success of

Operational Approach and Team Management

- What is your approach to managing a team?

- How do you plan to handle customer service and client relationships?

- What measures will you take to ensure the success of your franchise?

Motivation and Expectations

- What motivates you to start a franchise?

- What are your expectations from as a franchisor?

- How do you define success in this venture?